
Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Hurricane Katrina

Many stories are coming out of Hurricane Katrina's aftermath. Many are acts of heroism; many are acts of looting, rapes and murders. The one I am writing about is of negligent homicide. You might be asking yourself, why are you writing about negligent homicide when you have the brutal crime stories mentioned above? The homicide is actually homicides. They occurred in a nursing home. ST. Ritas Nursing Home is located in St. Bernard Parish. There were 34 people found dead from drowning in the nursing home. Louisiana Attorney General Charles Foti charged Mable and Salvador Mangano, owners of St. Rita's Nursing Home. St. Rita's have a contract with an ambulance service; they did not use them to evacuate the residents. St. Rita's also refused an offer from St. Bernard Parish authorities of buses to evacuate the residents.

Mayor Nagin had quite a few working buses but did not evacuate the New Orleans residents yet he is not charged with any of the deaths that occurred, neither is Governor Blanco.

President Bush took responsibility for the response to the hurricane. He pledged billions of dollars to rebuilding the gulf area. We are looking at spending about 200 billion dollars with estimates going as high as 400 billion dollars. I am sure there are people who think it will not be enough, not quick enough, that he is a racist or on vacation, blah, blah, blah, etc.

Everybody in the United States should be questioning their local and state politician's qualifications and evacuation plans but nobody will. I live in New Jersey very close to New York. If we had to evacuate, most of us would be doomed.

Supreme Court

The Democratic Senators tried to nail him down but they could not. Judge Roberts would not answer questions on cases that might come before the court. He was correct to do this. Senators Ted Kennedy, Charles Schumer and Joe Biden tried to get Judge Roberts to answer these types of questions.

North Korea

After two years of negotiations, North Korea has agreed to stop its nuclear development. In exchange, the United States said it would provide energy assistance and would not attack North Korea. If everything goes correctly, I am sure President Bush will not get the glory but if it goes wrong President Bush will get all of the blame.

Club Moron

Mable Mangano
Salvador Mangano

Personal Note:

Happy birthday to:

Christopher, (my nephew)
Anthony, (my brother-in-law)

Congratulations to:

Gus, (great person, great co-worker), good luck with the new gig, I know you will kick butt.

Keep a frown upside down :)

Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Bush haters changed their tune a little, just a little. They have been pointing their hatred towards Michael Brown, head of FEMA. Their hatred for President Bush is stronger than ever, they realized that the Louisiana govenor and New Orleans mayor committed some royal screwups and are trying to divert the attention away from them. I wonder why, because they are DEMOCRATS, thats right. Under intense media pressure, Brown had been sent back to Washington. His replacement is Coast Guard Vice Admiral Thad W. Allen. I do not know anything yet about this person but from the few pieces I have read, it seems that he is the right person for the job. Lets hope I am right.

When you didn’t think they can get any lower, the Democrats surprised me yet again. Another effort by the Democrats to destroy President Bush backfired again. The DSCC, (Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee), had put a petition on the web to fire Michael Brown because of his handling of Hurricane Katrina. A person would have to click on link to get to the petition from the DSCC website. What actually happens at this point is that the person is asked to donate money. To whom do you ask that money is donated to? To the DSCC. That is correct; they wanted money donated to themselves by exploiting the victims of Hurricane Katrina. If this is not disgraceful, please explain to me what is. As soon as the Associated Press asked the DSCC about this, they pulled down the money making scheme. Oh, by the way, the two clowns primarily responsible are New York Senator Chuck the Schmuck Schumer and Nevada Senator Harry Reid.

Below is the image taken from the DSCC website before it was pulled off.

I am adding a little feature called Club Moron. In my opinion, if you go in front of the public, say stupid statements and you are not a comedian, you are a moron. There are morons in all of the political parties, it just seems that the Democratic Party has a monopoly on it.


Last Week

Kanye West

This Week

Barbara Bush - The old bag lost it. You are not Marie Antoinette and this is not France, (Thank God).

She actually said the following:

"What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them."

Al, (I have a Scheme), Sharpton

Puff Daddy
P. Diddy
Diddy (Talking about an Identity Crisis, when will he put on a mask and a cape and call himself Super Diddy?)

JayZ (Doesn't anyone have a first name and last name anymore?)

Reverend Al, Diddy and JayZ all came out in support of Kanye West. Do you really believe that they got all the facts of everything that happened, in the order it happened and when it happened that quickly.

Remember, Reverend Al tried to run for the presidential nomination in the last presidential election, the Democratic National Committee did not let him in the club.
Diddy and JayZ are ENTERTAINERS, not political gurus.

Can anybody express their point of view in this country? Of course but lets get some facts together before making damaging statements. These people have many fans who admire them, shouldn't they be honest with them? They were real quick to jump on the BLAME BUSH bandwagon.

Remebering 9/11

Unfortunately many people in the United States have forgotten 9/11. The victim's families have not. They gathered together at The World Trade Center site, 600 plus family members read the names of the 2,749 who died on that dreadful day. Innocent working people had died that day for no reason. I hear how some people blame President Bush. I hear how some people blame former President Clinton. Personally, I blame Osama Bin Ladin and his entire network. After the Twin Towers came down, there some were people in the United States dancing in the streets. Once again, in this country you are allowed to express your opinion. I pity you and your beliefs because all you are celebrating is pure evil and nothing else. Hopefully all the bickering will end and rebuilding the site will start soon.

United Nations

Will Paul Volcker's report on the Oil-for-Food report lead to Kofi Annan's downfall as the U.N Secretary-General? The Oil-for-Food program was a U.N. humanitarian aid program originally created to help the people of Iraq while under Saddam Hussein's dictatorship and imposed U.N. sanctions. The program was worth 64 Billion dollars. You read it right, 64 BILLION DOLLARS. Bribes and kickbacks were rampant. Then Democrats wonder why the organization is called the Useless Nations. I am still trying to figure out why the Democrats feel the United Nations are needed. By the way, this is only one failure of the The United Nations. The organization's failure to help countries is well documented. Countries have committed genocide on their own people while The United Nations did nothing. I am not asking for The United Nations to be dissolved but a major overhaul at all levels are absolutely neccessary.

I am hoping to obtain or recreate an accurate timeline of Hurricane Katrina using the facts as to who was responsible for what and when.

Happy Trails,

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I have not been the regular blogger. I have had many unexpected responsibilities and duties that came up. I know I should not be excusing myself but being the hypocrite I am, (you know a normal human being), I have to try anything to get forgiveness and pity from my audience. Yes it is true, I do have an audience, go figure. :) Anyway back to my blathering, (oh I'm sorry I am not Dan Rather, I try to tell the truth).

Hurricane Katrina

The politics never seems to amaze me. I was driving in my SUV and since I was in a different state because of work I scanned the AM radio wanting to hear talk radio. I came across some idiot who blamed the hurricane on President Bush. HE BLAMED HURRICANE KATRINA ON THE PRESIDENT!!!!! This so called intelligent person also said that President Bush is stupid. President Bush is a man who twice won a presidential campaign. Oh, by the way, he is the first person who won two consecutive four year terms as the governor of Texas.

Apparently President Bush is a real stupid person with godlike powers. President Bush won four major campaigns against four different opponents. Oh, I forgot, they were Democrats. So if President George Bush is as stupid as the Democrats claim, just how stupid are the Democrats? Oh, that is right; they are stupid enough to believe Michael Moore.

I can not believe the Democrats are politicizing the tragedy. Of course they are blaming President Bush. Why should they blame the Mayor of New Orleans or the Governor of New Orleans? Oops, I forgot, they are Democrats.

Sure Mayor Clarence Ray Nagin Jr. of New Orleans was a Republican but changed political parties and became a Democrat. From hearing his idiotic statements I do not believe he was ever a true Republican, just a mental midget. Then again, a smart Democrat is rare, very rare.

Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco of Louisiana is a doozy of a Democrat. The Louisiana Guard has approximately 11,000 members of which about 3,000 members are in Iraq. This leaves about 8,000 members on duty in Louisiana. Less than half were on duty when the hurricane hit New Orleans. Once again, LESS THAN HALF WERE ON DUTY WHEN THE HURRICANE HIT. A true Democrat. Stupid is as stupid does. Sound familiar?

Rapper Kanye West is a stupid person, period the end.

They are Democrats, what are you going to do?

My heart, (and yes, my wallet), go out to those poor people. They are victims of Mother Nature, no more no less. They need our prayers, our help, and yes as much money as we all can afford to give to them. We just have to pray and hope that the money goes to them, not to limousines and other extravagant luxury items that celebrities demand when they show up at a charity fund raiser. Nor should the money go to other disasters the charities think it should go to. When I give money, I expect it to go to the cause I donated it for. Is this too much to ask?

The Supreme Court

Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist has past away. I send his surviving family my condolences. They have reason to be proud. The man was part of the Supreme Court. A Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. How many people can say that a family member is a Supreme Court Judge let alone a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court? They should stand tall and be proud of his accomplishments. Once again, I send my sympathy to the Rehnquist family.

President Bush has nominated Judge John Roberts to take the Chief Justice position.

Of course the Democrats started already. Senator Chuck the Schmuck Schumer already said that this "raises the stakes". How can a person be so callous? What is this a card game to this clown? This idiot needs to be in front of a camera with some stupid statement as much as possible. Incredible. I wonder how much did the Democrats bust Ruth Bader Ginsberg's chops when former President Bill Clinton nominated her to the Supreme Court. Oh, that is right, they did not bust her chops, and the Republican's actually have respect for the Supreme Court and the President's nomination. By the way, Democratic Senator Joe Biden told her not to answer any questions. Oh yeah, she took his advice and guess what? Ruth Bader Ginsberg got a 96-3 vote and sailed right into the Supreme Court.

Once again, whatever President Bush says or does, the Democrats say or demand the opposite. They have no respect. They are the ones who divided the country and continue to do so. Between the Democrats and the ACLU, the terrorists have a fantastic chance of attacking and killing Americans.